Happy Halloween, TAMUK!
Javelinas! How are you??
So excited to be performing another game show for you! This time, it’s a HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!
Yes, and it will be chock full of Halloween trivia, musical challenges, brain teasers, and more!
It’s still a virtual show, but your CAB has a place for y’all to meet and have some fun together while I stream this show from Hollywood…
– Joseph

when & where?
Meeting ID: 813 2141 7229
Passcode: 747027
the games
You’ll need two screens…
Make sure you have the latest Zoom software at
You’ll need a screen to watch the broadcast, and your phone/tablet/a 2nd tab to play the games.
So, your phone to play the game and a separate computer to connect to the show (so you can watch, play, AND chat) is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

can i invite friends?
Sure thing, please do! Just make sure they’re from the same campus as you.
And make sure they’re not a-holes.
i’m ready to watch & play!
Awesome. Click the link below when you’re ready. Don’t be late!