bpcc student life
the tricks ‘n treats
halloween game show!
Hello Cavaliers!
I’m Joseph – magician, comedian, and all around hoodlum – and this Monday the 17th, I’ll be hosting my TRICKS ‘N TREATS Halloween game show just for you!
This show will be VIRTUAL, so play anywhere… while no one’s watching at work, with no pants on in your dorm room, wherever you want. I’ll bring the games & prizes, and you just have to show up!
Just because we can’t be together doesn’t mean we’re not gonna have fun. I’ll show you some magic, we’ll play some games, and maybe you’ll win some stuff! Join me!
– Joseph

when & where?
Meeting ID: 885 7755 7135
Passcode: 518566
the games
You’ll need two screens…
(Make sure you have the latest Zoom software at
You’ll need a screen to watch the broadcast, and your phone/tablet/a 2nd tab to play the games.
So, your phone to play the game and a separate computer to connect to the show (so you can watch, play, AND chat) is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

can i invite friends?
Yes, as long as they’re fellow BPCC students.
And make sure they’re not a-holes.
i’m ready to watch & play!
Awesome. Click the link below when you’re ready. Don’t be late!